Invitation to Sponsor and Participate in the 2025 CSSA Biennial Convention

Affiliate Reps and Officers, 2025 Biennial Convention News

Affiliate Reps and Officers

On behalf of the Cactus & Succulent Society of America, Inc. (CSSA), I am reaching out to invite your club to actively promote, attend, and participate in the 2025 CSSA Biennial Convention, which will be held in San Diego, CA, from April 23-27, 2025.

In addition, we are asking Affiliate Societies to consider sponsoring one or more of the convention speakers. Our goal is to manage overall costs and keep ticket prices affordable for all attendees.

We have an exciting lineup of confirmed speakers for the convention, representing both international and U.S. experts in the field. Here is a preview of the distinguished speakers:

International Speakers

  • Adam Harrower (South Africa)
  • Andry Petignat (Madagascar)
  • Julia Etter & Martin Kristen (Mexico)
  • Atilla Kapitany (Australia)
  • Pieter Van Wyk (South Africa)
  • Elisabeth Sarnes (Germany)

U.S. Speakers

  • Brian Kemble (Agave, Yucca, Gasteria)
  • Guillermo Rivera (Taxonomy, Pre-conference Tour)
  • Jeremy Spath (Agave)
  • Joe Stead (Fouquieria, Bursera)
  • Kelly Griffin (Dudleya)
  • Michelle Cloud Hughes (Opuntia)
  • Steven Hammer (Mesembs)
  • Tom McCoy (Aloe, Asclepiads)

By sponsoring a speaker, your club will be recognized as a sponsor and will have the opportunity to introduce the speaker during the convention, if desired. To arrange sponsorship, please contact our business office,

Speaker travel expenses range from $200 to $3,000, depending on their travel distance. Whether your club is small or large, we hope that you will consider joining us in San Diego and contributing to this exceptional event. Every donation toward the speaker fund is greatly appreciated.

We look forward to seeing you and your members in San Diego as we come together to celebrate our shared passion for succulent plants in April 2025!

Warm regards,

Kelly Griffin
Chair, San Diego Host Committee