Table of Contents
General inquiries can be sent to:
Mailing Address
Cactus & Succulent Society of America, Inc.
PO Box 41187, Pasadena, CA 91114
Board of Directors
Rod Haenni, President
Irwin Lightstone, Vice President
Nick Diomede, Treasurer
Roxie Esterle, Secretary
Jeff Pavlat, Past President
M.A. Bjarkman President
Jackson Burkholder
Dave Ferguson
Kimberly Gomez-Tong
Kelly Griffin
Ann Hopkinson
Phuc Huynh
John Martinez
Nick Renteria, Annual Show & Sale Chair
Art Scarpa
Vonn Watkins
We are in the process of adding more information to this section, so check back often for the latest updates.

Board elections
Elections are held in the fall of each year. Ballots are sent to members by mail.
Standing program committees
These committees are responsible for the programs they administer. Information about them is at the bottom of their respective program pages
Financial transparency
History / Archives
The CSSA Archives are in the process of being moved to this site. We hope to add more historical records and tables, metadata about the Journal, article series, biographies, etc.