ATTN: Affiliate Event Chars, Publicity, & Social Media Volunteers
Did your club have a successful show and sale event this year? There may be videos you don’t even know about!
It’s surprising how many videos are up on YouTube about our local Cactus and Succulent events. Some are made by organizers or club members, but even more are made by content creators and influencers – people who are passionate about succulents but aren’t formally connected to your group.
As a way to encourage your club to tap into this source of free publicity and build connections in your community, we are collecting videos for a YouTube playlist. We will share the result to all CSSA members in To the Point.
Here’s how to get started:
- Go on YouTube and search. Something like “Sacramento Cactus and succulent Show 2024” is a good place to start, but try several variations to see what pops up.
- Do you know if any members might have video on their phones? Make a request in your newsletter asking if they have video they could put up or send to the CSSA.
- If you do find videos, make sure to share them in your newsletters or email them to members to celebrate all the hard work they did volunteering.
- Make sure you like, comment, and identify yourself as connected to the Society on the video on YouTube, so the creator knows videos about your event have an enthusiastic audience, and let them know you will be sharing it to your members. Creators want to make videos people care about.
- Next year, put a link to the best videos on your Social Media and website as part of your promotion leading up to your show and sale.
- Be sure to personally invite the creator back and give them VIP treatment (lunch with the crew, meet the organizers, etc) if you think the exposure helped!
- There are likely videos on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and other site too. You can use the same tactics above to build those connections, but for the purposes of this playlist, we will only be collecting YouTube videos
Any show and or sale event from 2024 is eligible. Start searching now for videos of your spring and summer events earlier this year, but the final deadline will be December 1st so we can catch any fall show videos. Send URL links to the YouTube videos to jon@jonschwark.com