Born in Villa de Mixcoac near Mexico City, Mexico, on 30 September 1901, Helia Bravo-Hollis became a botanist, taxonomist and cactus researcher. Helia obtained the degree of Master of Science (MS) from the College of Philosophy and Letters at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico in 1931. Her thesis for this degree was ‘Contribution to the knowledge of the cactus of Tehuacán, Puebla’. She received an honorary doctorate from UNAM in 1985.

Helia joined the teaching faculty at the National Preparatory School as a teaching assistant and later as a professor. By 1956 she became a professor of botany at UNAM—later in 1965 director of the botanical garden at UNAM—during the rest of her working life.

Helia was one of the founders of the Mexican Cactus Society in 1951—along with Carlos Chávez, Dudley Blackburn Gold (1897– 1990), Jorge Meyrán (1918–), Eizi Matuda (1894–1978), and Hernando Sanchez-Mejorada (1926-1988) Helia was its president from 1951 to 1972—Hernando from 1972 until his death in 1988. These cactologists explored extensively in Mexico together and individually, and with other cactologists such as George Edmund Lindsay (1916-2002) and Thomas Baillie MacDougall (1896–1973).

Among the number of cactus books by Helia, this one stands out: Las Cactaceas de Mexico in Spanish with over 700 pages in This book was updated 1978–91 by Helia, in collaboration with Hernando, in 3 volumes of over 1800 pages in total. She has published over 150 articles, many of them in Cactaceas y Suculentas Mexicanas, the journal of the Mexican Cactus Society of which she had been a long time member.

A couple of species of cacti have been named in Helia’s honor: Ariocarpus bravoanus and Opuntia bravoana. One genus Heliabravoa was named in Helia’s honor by Curt Backeberg (1894–1966) in 1956; however, this genus later became a synonym of Polaskia that was described by C Backeberg in 1949.
She has discovered and described a number of cactus plants. Helia is credited with describing two genera, Backebergia in 1953 and Pseudomitrocereus (w Franz Buxbaum (1900–1979)) in 1961; however, both became synonyms of Pachycereus. If interested you might look at ‘A Brief History of Pachycereus militaris’ under Other Histories, Plants, on the face page of CSSA Archives [previous version- js] that includes what happened to the genus Backebergia.

Honors given to Helio Bravo-Hollis include:
- Cactus and Succulent Society of America, Inc (CSSA): Fellow award in 1941 for authoring of Las Cactaceas de Mexico and other publications.
- International Organization for Succulent Plant Study (IOS): Cactus d’Or award in 1980 (2nd awardee from IOS) for her research in the country of origin that has contributed to the extension of knowledge of succulent plants.
- UNAM: Jardin del Desierto Helia Bravo, named in her honor for the desert section of the Jardin Botánico.
Although the Mexican Cactus Society had planned a celebration for her 100th birthday on 30 September 2001, Helia Bravo-Hollis passed away unexpectedly, 4 days early, on 26 September 2001.

Fitz Maurice B. 1990. Peoplenotes—A Tribute to Mexico’s First Lady of Cactus. Cact Succ J (US) 62: 141–143.
Glass CE. 1995. People and their plants—Helia Bravo Hollis, The Cactus File 2 (6): 23–24.
Meyrán Garcia J. 2002. Helia Bravo–Hollis. Cact Succ J (US) 74: 193–195.
Eggli U, Newton LE. 2004. Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names. 31.
Staples CJ. 2013. A Historical Record of Authors of C&S Plant Names & Books for the Amateur Hobbyist. Vol 1: 93–94.
Important Succulentists Collection
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