Find speakers for your club meetings
Search for succulent plant programs by speaker name, topic, location, and more
Affiliate Society program directors can find presenters in their state and beyond. See what topics they have available, access program and bio information.
Speaker contact info
For security and spam prevention, we don’t list speaker contact info on the website, but if you link to the speaker’s bio, you can find them there.
COMING SOON – Register as a speaker and list your program topics
COMING SOON – Get more invitations to speak.
Presenters can list talks and share program info in a way that makes it easy for CSSA Affiliate Societies around the country to find them.
Are they asking you for presentation info? It’s already up.
For each talk you list on our database, you can provide a link to a web page or online folder with program info and images.
Link to your own folder on Google Drive or Dropbox, or we can help you make one.
Keep your speaker bio up to date in one place
By linking a standard biography for all your talks, you can update it in one place for Society newsletter and website editors to use. Link to your own folder on Google Drive or Dropbox, or we can help you make one.