CSSA supports research into xerophytic plants, their taxonomy, and their habitats through direct grants to qualified academic projects.
Research programs news
The most recent updates from our Research Committee.
Past Webinar: Central New Mexico with Rob Romero
CSSA 2024 Show & Sale – Affiliate Info
Research Grants
Grant Application
Researchers can download our Grant Application Packet for more info on how to apply.
Types of Projects We Fund
General types of research supported by the CSSA include, but are not limited to studies:
- to discover new species or forms
- of ecological associations
- to increase knowledge of taxonomy, nomenclature, and biogeography
- relating to all aspects of cultivation, artificial propagation, and mass production
- relating to conservation of threatened or endangered species
- of basic biology, such as morphology and physiology, especially as these relate to the needs and interests of hobbyists
Who May Apply?
Grant applications will be reviewed on the basis of merit of the proposal and the competence of the investigator(s) to conduct the proposed research. The CSSA Research Grants Program is open to all applicants, without respect to gender, age, nationality, or affiliation.
Research Resources
This section will highlight useful tools from the Education and Archives areas of the site.
The CSSA Research Committee
Through the contributions of our members, the Research Committee provides small grants (up to $3,000) to help fund well-designed research programs on the botany, horticulture, and conservation of succulent plants
Committee Members
The Research Committee is comprised of board members, CSSA members-at-large, and advisors from partner institutions having a significant scientific background or knowledge of succulent botany vital to the evaluation and selection of each submitted grant proposal.
Chair: Phuc Huynh*
Members: Dave Ferguson*, Tom Glavich, Root Gorelick, Rod Haenni*, Brian Kemble, John Trager, and Laurel Woodley
*denotes CSSA board members
For information on the committee or about submitting a grant application, contact the Committee Chair, Phuc Huyhn, or CSSA Business Manager, Julie Taber.