The CSSA has been connecting hobbyists, growers, and scientists to local cactus and succulent clubs since the Affiliate Program began in the 1930s.
Connect with a local society
Find meeting locations & contact info for active affiliate clubs near you.
The list is viewable as a map or spreadsheet and includes meeting, website, event, and contact information for each society.
See what’s happening & where on our national event calendar
Our CSSA & Affiliate Societies Event Calendar covers annual show & sale events of affiliate clubs as well as national CSSA events and regional events of interest.
Affiliate Society Membership & Listings Updates
FOR LOCAL AFFILIATE REPS AND TREASURERS: Start here to find out how to pay your club dues and make changes to your listings, calendar, & contact information.
For groups not already affiliated with the CSSA, learn about our program.
Resources & Information for Affiliate Clubs
Affiliate News
Bulletins and announcements from the Affiliate Committee will be collected here, along with other blog posts of interest to affiliate reps. Of course, news from affiliate clubs is regularly featured in To the Point.
Resources for Societies
National Speaker List – NEW
FOR PROGRAM DIRECTORS AND PRESENTERS – We are working on a contact list of speakers available to give talks at your meetings.
Plant-of-the-Month Guidelines – NEW
FOR PROGRAM DIRECTORS – Looking to enhance your club meetings with engaging, educational activities? The Cactus and Succulent Society of America (CSSA) is thrilled to share a comprehensive guide for organizing Plant-of-the-Month (POM) activities!.
Creating & Maintaining a Local Society
FOR ALL BOARD MEMBERS AND FOUNDERS – The Affiliate Committee has published this PDF guide to help officers and board members start and run a non-profit plant society. Download a free copy.
Audiovisual help for meetings
FOR AV VOLUNTEERS – The San Francisco Society has a Facebook Group where volunteers working on audio and video or zoom for society meetings can ask questions and share technical information, tutorial videos, etc.
The CSSA Affiliates Committee
The Affiliates Committee is responsible for communications between the CSSA and local clubs.
We strive to to assist the affiliate societies by promoting their local activities and providing information and resources to help them improve their operations.
Committee Members
Co-Chairs: John Martinez, MA Bjarkman
Members: Ann Hopkinson, Judith Goodrode, Art Scarpa, Kimberly Gomez-Tong
For general inquiries:
To update your affiliate Information, access your account, or pay dues for the club: go to this page.
For Affiliate Clubs – questions and support: Your society’s appointed Affiliate Rep should have been assigned a contact on the committee. You should email them directly.
The committee organizes an in-person breakout meeting for Affiliate Society Representatives at each biennial convention, and has begun organizing a zoom meeting during the intervening years.
The most recent Zoom meeting of the Affiliate Society Representatives was held on September 21, 2024 at 12:30pm (Pacific). For more information, click here.