We are excited to share that Haseltonia 31, the Cactus & Succulent Society of America’s premier annual scientific journal, is now open for pre-order!

Gabriel Diaz Infante Daley will share his exuberance and enthusiasm for cactus and other succulents.

C&SJ 2024 Vol. 96-3 mailed on August 28th. Notable themes in this issue include
the cover shot photo contest, Leptocereus chrysotyrius in the Sierra de La Güira, Piñar del Río Cuba, a new Agave species (Agavaceae), Aloe erinacea, and more ...

Jared Margulies delves into the world of global cactus and succulent collecting to explore how and why some of the most passionate lovers of these plants may engage in their illicit trade and what underpins this demand.

Greg Starr will take you on a journey through Baja California through the eyes of the genus Ferocactus.

Back in 2017, while tromping around in the backcountry canyons of southern Mexico, a very strange cactus was discovered. Tristian Davis will take you on this journey of discovery, and along the way, you will see some of the sights and other plants in these little-studied remote canyons.