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In this issue
- Grower’s Spotlight: Growing endangered native cacti and other species in subtropical Florida
James V. Freeman - Euphorbia latex danger
Sue Hakala - Exploring Namibia’s diverse succulent and arid-adapted flora: notes from fieldwork
Marc Fradera-Soler, Rosalind Tshikeso, Leevid Nanyeni, Olwen M Grace - Dudleya farinosa: environmental challenges, human threats, and conservation
Clare Roller - Epiphyllum thomasianum subsp. costaricense in Nicaragua Part II
Leland Smith - Conscientious consumers support ethical, responsible and sustainable use of succulent plants
Tanseem Variawa, SANBI - North From the Cape: a survey of the Cape Region of South Africa’s succulent plants, part 1
Fred Dortort - Self-portrait with Tephrocactus articulatus
Root Gorelick - Rediscovery of the Type Locality of Lithops opalina and taxonomic implications
Peter Beiersdorfer, Jaan K Lepson, Hilde Mouton, and Frikkie Mouton - Dudleya of the Channel Islands: conservation successes and taxonomy
Stephen Ward McCabe - Epiphyllum phyllanthus subsp. rubrocoronatum in Nicaragua
Leland Smith - Book Review: The Cactus Hunters: Desire and Extinction in the Illicit Succulent Trade. By Jared D. Margulies.
Robert Anthony Villa and Caroline Tracey
Cactus and Succulent Journal
96-1 Spring 2024
The Cactus & Succulent Journal has been published continually by the CSSA since 1929.
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